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Nutrient-Dense Food: The Link Between Healthy Soil and Healthy Crops 

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Healthy Soil plays a crucial role in crop cultivation that goes beyond merely providing a foundation for plant growth. The health of our soil determines the quality of food we grow. To produce nutrient dense food, we need to focus on organically fortifying our soil, to boost the soil’s ability to grow our food in a way that nourishes our bodies, and our communities. 

What is soil? The definition of soil has since gone beyond the outermost layer of the earth, soil is best defined as a living, breathing system made up of organic matter, micro organisms, mineral, water, and air. Soil is home to myriads of microorganisms that work together to support plant growth and to maintain a healthy ecosystem. The presence of microorganisms, and organic matter in the soil is what determines soil fertility.


What Is A Healthy Soil? 

Healthy Soil 

Healthy soil is defined as a vibrant, living ecosystem where a diverse community of microorganisms, including bacteria, fungi, and other soil organisms, work harmoniously to support plant growth. In a healthy soil, these microorganisms help break down organic matter into plant absorbable form, enhance nutrient availability, and maintain soil structure; leading to a robust, fertile soil that supports strong, healthy plants. 

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Our Plants Can Self Grow 

Plants are designed by God to grow sustainably under natural conditions, meaning they can thrive and fight off diseases and pests without excessive use of synthetic fertilizers and chemicals. This sustainability is achieved through photosynthesis and the activity of beneficial microorganisms in the soil, known as the soil food web. In this system, plants capture energy from sunlight, converting it into sugars called exudates, which nourish the soil microorganisms. These microorganisms then break down minerals and organic matter in the soil, making them available in a form that plants can absorb.  As a  result, plants receive the essential nutrients they need to grow and function properly. Therefore, the presence of  beneficial microorganisms, and organic matter in the soil is what determines the health of our soil. 

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How To Achieve A Healthy Soil 

1. Eliminate Synthetic Substance: To achieve a healthy soil that appreciates in fertility over time, we need to gradually eliminate synthetic fertilizers and chemicals. Synthetic fertilizer rids our soil of its fertility and causes our soil to go fallow, while heavy chemicals on the other hand kill beneficial microbes in our soil, as a result, our soil no longer has life in it, turning from living soil into mere dirt. 

2Inoculation of Organic Matter: To achieve rich, fertile soil, we must intentionally enrich it with organic matter such as animal manure and compost. Relying on organic fertilizers throughout the growing season of our crops will leave our soil rich in nutrient and ready for the next planting seasons, instead of depleted and without life if we were dependent on synthetic fertilization  

3. Cover Cropping: This practice involves planting specific crops,  such as Spinach, during the off season to protect and enrich the soil. Cover crops prevent erosion, improve soil structure, and add organic matter, which enhances nutrient availability and promotes  beneficial microbial activity. 

4. Crop Rotation: Rotating different types of crops each growing season helps maintain soil health by preventing nutrient depletion and reducing pest and disease buildup. This practice ensures a balanced soil nutrient profile and improves soil structure and fertility over time. 

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How Does Healthy Soil Impact The Quality Of Our Food? 

The phrase “garbage in, garbage out”  reflects a fundamental truth about plant growth: the quality of what plants absorb directly influences what farmers harvest. Plants, as living organisms absorb substances from their environment, and what they take in determines their growth and nutritional value. To thrive and produce nutrient-rich food, plants require more than just nitrogen, phosphorus, and potassium; they need over 42 essential nutrients. These nutrients are present in the soil but must be acted upon and broken down by soil  microbes into forms that plants can use. Therefore, when soil is rich in microbes, plants can absorb what they need to grow healthily, and this, in turn, ensures that the food we consume is also nutrient-dense. 

In light of this, we can also deduce that when our farm inputs are synthetic substances, plants absorb these chemicals instead of the essential nutrients made available by the  microbes. Consequently, the vegetables and crops we harvest will lack the expected nutritional value. Synthetic inputs can compromise soil health and nutrient balance, resulting in produce that is less nutrient-dense and not as beneficial to our health. 

Why Soil Health Is Important  

1. Increased Crop Yields: Healthy soil  supports plant growth, leading to higher and more consistent crop yields. 

2. Enhanced Nutrient Availability: Improved soil health ensures better nutrient uptake by plants, reducing the need for synthetic fertilizers. 

3. Better Soil Structure: Good soil health results in better soil structure, which enhances water infiltration and reduces erosion. 

4. Soil Moisture Retention: Healthy soil retains moisture more effectively, which supports crops during dry periods and droughts.  

5. Reduced Pest and Disease Outbreak: A balanced soil ecosystem helps plants build resistance to pests and diseases, reducing the need for chemical treatments. 

6. Reduced Cost of Input: Reduced reliance on chemical inputs and irrigation lowers production costs. 

7. Sustainability: Healthy soil practices are sustainable, farmers can adopt it and  continue to grow with it. 

8. Increased Soil Fertility: Improved soil health boosts soil quality and fertility, supporting better crop growth over time. 


The health of our soil determines the quality of the food we grow. The idea “garbage in, garbage out” means that what our plants absorb from the soil affects what we eventually harvest. Healthy soil, full of organic matter and beneficial microbes, give plants the nutrients they need to grow strong, yielding bountifully, and highly nutritious.

On the other hand, using synthetic fertilizers can harm soil health and lead  to growing plants without all the necessary nutrients. This results in produce that may not be as nutritious. By focusing on natural methods like composting, organic manure, cover crops, and rotating crops, we can keep our soil healthy, which in turn helps us grow better and more nutritious food for our family and community.

Taking care of the soil isn’t just about better farming—it is also about ensuring we have a more sustainable and healthier food supply. By improving soil health, we set the stage for a future where our food is both plentiful and rich in nutrients.

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